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A P P S / G A M E S

We Develop Your Ideas

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Fast / Informative / Collaborative

About Us

About Us

We are small team of highly passionated designers and developers ready to bring your ideas to life. Our studio is located in Sofia, Bulgaria where everything is cheap and life is easy. We have big experience developing games for the gambling industry - slot games, card games, numeric games etc... Read More...


We can develop your games using different technologies to reach as much audience as possible

High Quality Product

Our QA team is responsible for delevering high quality games and apps to our customers

Remote Control

Durring the development process you can monitor the development process with remote meetings

Speed Delivery

Development process is well planned and managed by our project managers in order to meet our deadlines without problems



We have complete team of designers, developers, testing engineers, mathematicians and managers ready to supply high quality product according to your requirements.
Already have graphics and assets? No problem! We can develop your idea based on your own design.

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We have highly creative team of designers ready to match your expectations.
Complex scenes and videos can be created using Adobe's After Efects, Maya®, 3ds Max® and other rendering software.


HTML5, Flash, Unity 3D... We have the right developers for every need. We have ready platforms for developing slot games with Flash and Javascript

Localisation And Regulations

We can prepare your casino games to comply with diferent regulations in different countries. We already have expirience with different regulated markets.



PLAYLINE DEMO CASINO is almost ready! You can preview some casino games here...



2d Designer - Internship

A Person with good working level of Adobe Photoshop and Ilustrator needed.

Apply now

Flash Developer

Knowledge and experience with Adobe Flash. Familiar with animation concepts, Good understanding of OOP.

Apply now

QA Engineer

Implementation of test plans, testing of a new games. Ensuring the overall quality of the products.

Apply now
The Team

The Team

Our team is our pride. These youg people are full of energy and passion.



Stay Tuned for good news comming from our company!

Договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ

Фирма „Плейлайн” ЕООД подписа договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ с Министерство на икономиката, Управляващ орган на ОП „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” за изпълнение на проект по ОПИК 2014-2020. Проект BG16RFOP002-2.073- 21468-C01 “Преодоляване недостига на средства и липсата на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от епидемичния взрив от COVID-19, е финансиран от Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейския фонд за регионално развитие. Целта на проекта е осигуряване на оперативен капитал за българските микро и малки предприятия за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19. Постигане на положителен ефект за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19 и стабилност на работните места. Общият бюджет на проекта възлиза на 8 800 лв., от които 7480 лв. европейско съфинансиране и 1320 лв. национално съфинансиране. Безвъзмездното съфинансиране от страна на ОП „Иновации и конкурентоспособност” е в размер на 100% от общите допустими разходи по проекта.

Car Slots 3D Game in development

Our brand new project is now on production line. Beatiful cars are ready for test!

Demo Casino Work in Progress

Our new demo casino will be ready soon. Stay tuned!

Secret Cards New Game Released

An unique card game based on casino slot games logic. Double feature can be played after each round! Good luck revealing Secret Cards!

Ocean Treasures New Game Released!

Find the secrets of deep ocean with our new 3D slot game Ocean Treasures. Play with dolphins in Dolphin Bonus and catch beautiful mermaids with free spins! Good Luck with Ocean Treasures!



Our Clients

Our Clients

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Contact Us

Contact Us

Please provide your contact details and inquiry and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

131-st Street, Sofia, Bulgaria

phone: +359 879 866 928


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